Terezia Farkas. International Bestselling Author. Columnist. Writes about dealing with depression. When I lay emotionally broken in what was my pit of hell, a friend gave me a prayer to battle depression. It was to the Archangel Michael to give me courage. I used it lots. I’m sharing the Archangel Michael prayer with you. Say it slowly, thoughtfully. It may take time before the words mean something to you. If you persist, though, the prayer can be a powerful tool in fighting negative thoughts and battling depression. The Archangel Michael Prayer All that I can be Allow me to be All that I can do for You Set in motion in me All that I am is You Manifest through me Allow me to be Your Gift As I accept Your Gift into my Life Terezia Farkas is an International Bestselling Author and columnist of Depression Help. Her bestseller Heart of Love Evolution – Surviving Depression is available on Amazon. Follow Terezia at www.tereziafarkas.com and Twitter.
Terezia Farkas. International Bestselling Author. Columnist. Writes about dealing with depression.
Not being afraid or ashamed to talk about mental illness is a goal of Bell Let's Talk. I used to lie to friends about my depression. It was easier to say I had some mysterious disease than tell someone I'm depressed. Let's Talk helped me open up about my depression. When Let's Talk day started, I hated the idea. I was in that stage of depression where I didn't want any more help. I was in recovery from suicide attempts, had gone through personal and group therapy sessions, and was on medication. Yeah, I had decided I wanted to live, but I really hated hearing other's opinions about depression. Read More ..... Terezia Farkas. International Bestselling Author. Columnist. Writes about dealing with depression. Negative people. They exist everywhere. If you’re like me, you try to ignore them or at the best, tolerate the behaviour. But negative attitude can really wear thin during the Christmas season. Bah humbug – if it isn’t your style, it will really annoy the crap out of you. How do you deal with negative people? CONTINUE READING...... |
February 2018
Terezia Farkas on Huffington Post