Terezia Farkas. CNN. HuffPost. International Best-selling Author. Writes about dealing with depression. I’m sharing part of this article from HealthlineNews (www.healthline.com). It’s interesting that there may be multiple types of depression. William J. Walsh, President of the Walsh Research Institute, is the researcher who identified these 5 types of depression using urine and blood tests. Most psychiatrists believe that depression is caused by low levels of serotonin. Yet three of these forms of depression aren’t caused by fluctuating serotonin levels. CONTINUE READING......
Terezia Farkas. CNN. HuffPost. International Best-selling Author. Writes about dealing with depression. My post The Link Between Depression and Anger is now on CNN at the following link: http://ireport.cnn.com/docs/DOC-1144531?ref=feeds%2Flatest Let's get the word out about depression and how anger plays a role in it by sharing the CNN link. Thanks everyone! Terezia Farkas. International Bestselling Author, Huffington Post/ CNN contributor, columnist of Depression Help. Focus is mental health. Her bestseller Heart of Love Evolution – Surviving Depression is available on Amazon. Website: www.tereziafarkas.com Follow on Twitter. Terezia Farkas. CNN. HuffPost. International Best-selling Author. Writes about dealing with depression. Award Winning Author Terezia Farkas Explains The Connection - on CNN Studies show that young people are especially prone to a vicious cycle of depression and anger that can result in rage. This can have devastating, lifelong effects that can and does destroy lives, careers and families
[ Wilmington, NC DATE, 2014 ] Depression is debilitating and can have lasting effects. A recent study by the University of Alberta, published in The University Herald, found that depression and anger in youth can adversely affect marriages and careers later in life. We need but look at today's headlines to become aware of the seemingly inexplicable instances of unfocused rage and senseless violence that is inflicted upon innocent victims worldwide. Are depression and anger linked? In a recent Huffington post article, Terezia Farkas, award-winning author of "Heart Of Love Evolution" made a strong case for the fact that depression and anger go hand in hand. She knows, as she is one of those who suffered through both and came out the other side healed and whole. “Anger is a big part of depression. I know because I’ve been through it. We see someone who is angry and moody and think, ‘Irrational. Emotional. What’s going on?” We don’t consider that the person might be depressed because all we are confronted by is anger. Anger is a reaction to pain. It’s also a reaction to a hopeless or frustrating situation. Anger is insidious, cycling rage and defeat. You don’t believe you’re irrational. You believe that no one understands you. Your world becomes a plastic remnant of what it used to be, bouncing back all pain. It hurts you to look at people who have no idea or understanding of how you feel. You can’t remember when someone tried to help you or spoke kindly when you felt hurt or alone. You give up hope that anyone will or can help you. CONTINUE READING..... |
February 2018
Terezia Farkas on Huffington Post